

There are currently 417 images in the gallery which was last updated on 28 January 2014. Click on a picture to take a closer look or right-click to view it full-size in a new window:

Soviet CO grouped behind a knocked-out T-55 tank (10mm scale) Soviet T-10 heavy tanks on the advance (10mm scale) The Soviets during the Cold War (10mm scale) British during the Cold War (10mm scale) Americans advance during the Cold War (10mm scale) USMC in the 1st Gulf War (15mm scale) Italian battlegroup, 1940-41, France, Balkans and USSR by Dmitriy (15mm scale)
North Korean ambush, 1950 (20mm scale) Israeli M60s with custom-made ERA by SteveB (15mm scale) Berkeley Boot Camp 2013 (6mm scale) Berkeley Boot Camp 2013 (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale)
Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) Arctic Strike 2013! (6mm scale) West German command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) West German command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale)
Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) Israeli command stand by Andy.T (6mm scale) A BKC supplement is in the works to cover this new craze: Girls'n'Panzer! (15mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 German Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale)
1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) 1/300 British Battlegroup by WarPainter (6mm scale) Cold War Commander in action at the Grimsby Club (6mm scale) Innovative use of counters and map to play BlitzkriegCommander German Battlegroup by Robert (10mm scale) US Battlegroup by Robert (10mm scale) Brigade Models PacFed Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale)
Brigade Models Eurofed Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale) Brigade Models CDSU Battlegroup by Pablo '66' (6mm scale) Dug-in Pzkpfw III by Craig (15mm scale) Polish armoured train in action (15mm scale) Polish armoured train in action (15mm scale) la Drang, Operation Silver Bayonet, November 14, 1965 (20mm scale) Futuristic armoured fighting vehicles from MicroWorld Games (6mm scale)
Korkeinville Airfield by Andy (10mm scale) Tiger II tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Tiger I tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Panzerjaeger IV Tank Destroyers by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Panther tanks by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale)
Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) Late-war BlitzkriegCommander game in progress by Dave Fowler (10mm scale) 6mm Horsa glider by Adam Jaques (6mm scale) A shot of an excellent demo game by Steve and Craig at Warfare 2011 (15mm scale) Australian infantry battlegroup for the Western Desert 1941 by Paul from Australia (15mm scale) Italians vs Greeks by the Portbury Knights (10mm scale)
Belgrade 1944, a scenario in Vae Victis magazine issue 97 (10mm scale) BKC in full swing by Dave (10mm scale) BKC in full swing by Dave (10mm scale) Belgian CO by Andy (6mm scale) BKC-II in 28mm scale by Phil (28mm scale) 28mm StuG-III by Phil (28mm scale) Space Wolves by Andy (6mm scale)
A Very British Civil War figures by Carl Luxford (20mm scale) Pax Arcadian Army by Yorkie (6mm scale) A Pzkpfw IVJ by Paul Giles (20mm scale) Titans of the 3rd Combined Arms Combat Team by Macunaima (3mm scale) Conventional troops of the 3rd Combined Arms Combat Team by Macunaima (3mm scale) An impressive Eastern Front encounter battle at Walt's Hobby Shop in the USA (15mm scale) Multi-player game by John (15mm scale)
15mm German infantry by Michael (15mm scale) Saving Private Pike German Jagdpanzer IV tank destroyers (15mm scale) German late-war infantry (15mm scale) Future War Commander in action in Spain! (6mm scale) British Chieftain tanks by SteveJ (6mm scale) British BAOR CO by Paul Baldwin (6mm scale)
British BAOR HQs by Paul Baldwin (6mm scale) The Battle of Cambrai by Jonas (10mm scale) The Battle of Cambrai by Jonas (10mm scale) Hit'n'Run battle by Frank Reynolds (6mm scale) Hit'n'Run battle by Frank Reynolds (6mm scale) Hit'n'Run battle by Frank Reynolds (6mm scale) Mujahideen ambush on Soviet forces in the Kunar region of Afghanistan by Jonas (10mm scale)
Mujahideen ambush on Soviet forces in the Kunar region of Afghanistan by Jonas (10mm scale) Operation Goodwood, Normandy 1944 by Jonas (10mm scale) Operation Goodwood, Normandy 1944 by Jonas (10mm scale) Operation Goodwood, Normandy 1944 by Jonas (10mm scale) Operation Goodwood, Normandy 1944 by Jonas (10mm scale) Pegasus Bridge demonstration game in New Zealand (28mm scale) Pegasus Bridge demonstration game in New Zealand (28mm scale)
Pegasus Bridge demonstration game in New Zealand (28mm scale) Staghounds from The Inns Of Court Regiment by Dazza (10mm scale) Pax Arcadian battlegroup by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Pax Arcadian battlegroup by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Pax Arcadian battlegroup by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Kraytonian battlegroup by CYC (6mm scale) Andrayada Malignant by Steve (6mm scale)
Andrayada infantry by Steve (6mm scale) Arcadian CO by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Kraytonians by Cyril (6mm scale) Pax Arcadian troops by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Dark Realm Miniatures Intruders by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Dark Realm Miniatures infantry by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Dark Realm Miniatures scouts by Piers Brand (6mm scale)
Israeli Merkavas by Tilfast (6mm scale) Italian tanks by Andy (10mm scale) Italian infantry by Andy (10mm scale) Israeli APCs by Tilfast (6mm scale) Israeli infantry by Tilfast (6mm scale) Who set my damn base on fire, then, eh? (28mm scale) Ruined buildings by Jonas (10mm scale)
A Blitzkrieg Commander game by Jonas (10mm scale) A Blitzkrieg Commander game by Jonas (10mm scale) German CO by Rybenmegido (10mm scale) Soviet CO by Rybenmegido (10mm scale) Soviet HQ by Rybenmegido (10mm scale) Chinese Type 80 MBTs by Dean (6mm scale) The Germans advance. (10mm scale)
The Russians advance. (10mm scale) The finished troops in action! (10mm scale) German vehicles on the production line. (10mm scale) Blake teaches new recruits how to paint Pendraken WW2 miniatures for BKC in the USA (10mm scale) Dave Fielder and friends with a Centaur in 1:1 scale! 15mm Marder IIIs by Dean (15mm scale) A BKC game board by Justo
Tractable in 10mm by Stefan and friends (10mm scale) Caen, 1944 by GavP (10mm scale) Viet Minh battlegroup by David Tan (15mm scale) 1943 Soviet Infantry by John Siewenie (3mm scale) 1984 Soviet Tank Regiment by John Siewenie (3mm scale) Firebase Vietnam by Ralph (15mm scale) Big Muddy's Game's Day 2008 by Sapper Joe (10mm scale)
Iranian Artillery Battalion by Jake (3mm scale) Iranian Brigade HQ and Recon by Jake (3mm scale) Iranian Tank Battalion by Jake (3mm scale) US Battlegroup by Jake Rose (3mm scale) US Infantry Company by Jake Rose (3mm scale) US M1 Tank Platoon by Jake Rose (3mm scale) The Battle for France in miniature (3mm scale)
A BKC game at OwlCon 2008 by Justo (6mm scale) British 1980s battlegroup by Paul Martin (6mm scale) Soviet 1980s battlegroup by Paul Martin (6mm scale) Arab aircraft by Paul Martin (6mm scale) Israeli aircraft by Paul Martin (6mm scale) Armour from Joe's US battlegroup (10mm scale) Italian Battlegroup by Matt (10mm scale)
Late Eastern Front German Army by Joseph aged 9¾ (6mm scale) Bundeswehr by Jim Robinson (6mm scale) One of the playtest games during the development of BKC, August 2003 - Germans attacking the Russian (10mm scale) Comparing the scales available to play the game Eastern front game by Paul Ireland (20mm scale) Eastern front game by Paul Ireland (20mm scale) Eastern front game by Paul Ireland (20mm scale)
1/600 scale German battlegroup by Thomas (3mm scale) British Army of the Rhine miniatures by Nogs (10mm scale) Polish Ursus truck from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) Polish Wz34 Armoured Car from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) Polish Wz29 Armoured Car from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) Polish TKS tankette from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) Polish Vickers tank from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale)
Polish 7TPb from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) Polish 7TPa from Pithead Miniatures (10mm scale) TimeCast buildings and Sams Trees Palm trees by Pete (10mm scale) TimeCast buildings and Sams Trees Palm trees by Pete (10mm scale) Comparison of MDF bases from East Riding Miniatures Basing with unit stats by Justo (6mm scale) Cold War battle from Village Games (6mm scale)
Polish vehicle preview (10mm scale) Polish infantry preview (10mm scale) Soviet T-10s move up to the front (10mm scale) Soviet CO (10mm scale) Soviet BMPs (10mm scale) British troops in defence (10mm scale) American M-60s in the woods (10mm scale)
British 6pdr Anti-Tank Guns by Piers Brand (20mm scale) German Late War Battlegroup by Piers Brand (20mm scale) German Artillery by Piers Brand (20mm scale) German 88mm Anti-Tank Gun by Piers Brand (20mm scale) German MG-42 Team by Piers Brand (20mm scale) Soviet BMPs and T-72s by Piers Brand (20mm scale) Soviet BMPs by Piers Brand (20mm scale)
British Battlegroup by GavP (10mm scale) Soviet CO by Markus (6mm scale) Soviet BMP-3s by Markus (6mm scale) Soviet concripts by Markus (6mm scale) Poles vs Germans, 1939 by Keith (15mm scale) Poles vs Germans, 1939 by Keith (15mm scale) Poles vs Germans, 1939 by Keith (15mm scale)
Poles vs Germans, 1939 by Keith (15mm scale) Poles vs Germans, 1939 by Keith (15mm scale) Hummels by Johan (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale)
Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Iraqi Army by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Iraqi Army by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Iraqi Army by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Iraqi Army by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Iraqi Army by Piers Brand (6mm scale)
SCW Nationalists by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Nationalists by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Nationalists by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Nationalists by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Nationalists by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Republicans by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) SCW Republicans by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale)
SCW Republicans by Dani Bayarri - 6mm Irregular infantry with 1/200 Skytrex vehicles (10mm scale) Modern British by Francisco Erize (6mm scale) Modern British by Francisco Erize (6mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale)
BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC Westkapelle game, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007 (20mm scale) BKC Westkapelle game, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007 (20mm scale) BKC Westkapelle game, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007 (20mm scale) BKC Westkapelle game, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007 (20mm scale) BKC Westkapelle game, Vancouver, Canada, March 2007 (20mm scale) Pakistani troops by Piers Brand (6mm scale)
Pakistani troops by Piers Brand (6mm scale) Pakistani troops by Piers Brand (6mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale)
BKC & CWC games at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) CWC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) New Recruits at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale)
Pzkpfw IIIs on the move by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pzkpfw IIINs on the move  by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Bumblebees in long grass by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Nashorns in ambush by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Panthers on the move by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale)
BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) BKC game at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras and German armour by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) BKC in action at Village Games, USA! (6mm scale)
BKC in action at Village Games, USA! (6mm scale) BKC in action at Village Games, USA! (6mm scale) Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale)
Vietnam by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) Omaha beach by Paul Gardner (6mm scale) The Canadian D-Day Landings by Chris Leach (20mm scale) The Canadian D-Day Landings by Chris Leach (20mm scale) The Canadian D-Day Landings by Chris Leach (20mm scale)
The Canadian D-Day Landings by Chris Leach (20mm scale) 1/600 scale British Lynx attack helicopters by Dave Spender (2mm scale) 1/600 scale British FV-432s by Dave Spender (2mm scale) 1/600 scale British Chieftains by Dave Spender (2mm scale) 1/600 scale British HQ by Dave Spender (2mm scale) 1/600 scale British by Dave Spender (2mm scale) British Mark I tank from MiniFigs (10mm scale)
British Mark I tank from MiniFigs (10mm scale) Italians vs British, March '42, North Africa by Pete (10mm scale) Italians vs British, March '42, North Africa by Pete (10mm scale) German armour by Nik Harwood (10mm scale) German battlegroup by Nik Harwood (10mm scale) German Panther by Nik Harwood (10mm scale) German Panthers by Nik Harwood (10mm scale)
German Pz-IVs by Nik Harwood (10mm scale) German trucks by Nik Harwood (10mm scale) The Gang at Exeter, UK, March 2007 (10mm scale) German troops lie in wait, by Nik (10mm scale) British para MGs by Nik (10mm scale) British para 6pds by Nik (10mm scale) British para command units by Nik (10mm scale)
British para battlegroup by Nik (10mm scale) Perrin Sdkfz 7 conversion to 'Diana' by Serge (10mm scale) Pendraken StuG-IIIs converted to StuIG-33Bs by Serge (10mm scale) British in East Africa by Mark Dudley (28mm scale) British in East Africa by Mark Dudley (28mm scale) Italians (Eritreans) in East Africa by Mark Dudley (28mm scale) Italians (Eritreans) in East Africa by Mark Dudley (28mm scale)
Miniatures and terrain by Paul (6mm scale) Miniatures and terrain by Paul (6mm scale) Miniatures and terrain by Paul (6mm scale) Egyptian T-55s in the Sinai desert by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Egyptian troops advance against Israeli positions, Rolf Grein (6mm scale) An Arab-Israeli game in action by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Egyptian troops advance against Israeli positions, Rolf Grein (6mm scale)
Egyptian T-55s and trucks in the Sinai desert by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Syrian T-62s, BTR-50s and infantry by Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Israeli F4 Phantoms attack Egyptian tanks, Rolf Grein (6mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale)
Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) Pendraken British Paras by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) German Tiger tanks by Nik (10mm scale) German 88 Flak by Nik (10mm scale) German mortars by Nik (10mm scale) German StuG-IIIs by Nik (10mm scale) German battlegroup by Nik (10mm scale)
American battlegroup by Bruce (10mm scale) German panzers and infantry by Bruce (10mm scale) German HQ by Bruce (10mm scale) German HQ by Bruce (10mm scale) Polish armoured train by Keith Flint (15mm scale) Westkapelle scenario by Chris (20mm scale) German Tiger I by Bruce (15mm scale)
American infantry from Perrin Miniatures by Duncan (10mm scale) Americans from Perrin Miniatures by Duncan (10mm scale) British CO painted by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) German sniper painted by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) German artillery painted by Dave Robotham (10mm scale) German 88mm by Nik (10mm scale) Germans by Andy (10mm scale)
British Matilda tank by Andy (10mm scale) British artillery by Andy (10mm scale) French by Andy (10mm scale) American M4 Sherman tanks by Nik (10mm scale) American M5 Stuart tanks by Nik (10mm scale) American command by Nik (10mm scale) American Battlegroup by Nik (10mm scale)
British Battlegroup by Antti Hakoma of Finland (6mm scale) Finnish troops by Gianluca (10mm scale) Shermans and M10s by Bruce McGrath (10mm scale) Shermans by Bruce McGrath (10mm scale) Tom's N scale US Combat Command on the march! (10mm scale) US 105mm Battalion and FAO by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US Priest Battalion and FAO by Tom Burgess (10mm scale)
US Anti-Aircraft Guns and 105mm Infantry Gun by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US Engineering Company by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US Armored Infantry Battalion by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US M8 Scott and Combat Command CO by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US M-10 Tank Destroyers by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) N scale US Armored Division Combat Command, NWE 1944 by Tom Burgess (10mm scale) German 105mm Artillery Battery by Piers Brand (20mm scale)
German 105mm Artillery Battery by Piers Brand (20mm scale) Pendraken Panthers by Court Jester (10mm scale) Pendraken Marders and Nashorn by Court Jester (10mm scale) A late-war German CO stand by Court Jester (10mm scale) Late-war German infantry and transports by Court Jester (10mm scale) Scratch-built ruined building by Geoff Bond (15mm scale) Scratch-built ruined building by Geoff Bond (15mm scale)
FAO by Piers Brand (20mm scale) Infantry by Johan van Ooij (6mm scale) Germans by Andy (10mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale)
BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale)
BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) British 1000 point battlegroup by Dave (10mm scale) D-Day by Chris Leach and Friends (20mm scale) D-Day by Chris Leach and Friends (20mm scale) D-Day by Chris Leach and Friends (20mm scale)
D-Day by Chris Leach and Friends (20mm scale) Pendraken minis by Franck (10mm scale) Pendraken minis by Franck (10mm scale) Pendraken minis by Franck (10mm scale) Pendraken minis by Franck (10mm scale) Bloody Buron scenario by Franck (10mm scale) Bloody Buron scenario by Franck (10mm scale)
Bloody Buron scenario by Franck (10mm scale) N-Scale Russians by Pete (10mm scale) N-Scale ZiS-30 conversion by Pete (10mm scale) N-Scale Germans by Pete (10mm scale) N-Scale Germans by Pete (10mm scale) US troops from Pendraken by Bruce McGrath (10mm scale) US Shermans from Pendraken by Bruce McGrath (10mm scale)
Hungary, 1945: Russian tanks burn (10mm scale) Hungary, 1945: Russian and German tanks burn (10mm scale) Normandy bocage by Geoff Bond (10mm scale) Normandy bocage by Geoff Bond (10mm scale) Neat basing from Justo at NuGamers - great for beginners! (6mm scale) North African After-Action Report from NuGamers (6mm scale) Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale)
Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale) Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale) Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale) Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale) Dublin Castle Demo Game, 2005 (20mm scale) Poland 1939 by Keith (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale)
BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) BKC in 1:72 scale from Tomas Kepler (20mm scale) Hungary, 1945: The Russians advance (10mm scale) Hungary, 1945: Russian Exploitation vs Germans (10mm scale) Russian recce units on the attack (15mm scale) Russian infantry wave attack! (15mm scale)
The Russians attack the Finnish positions (15mm scale) Russian T-28s advance against Finnish positions (15mm scale) A Winter War display game from the Adelaide Mongrels (15mm scale) This shot of the Eastern Front battle didn't make it into the rulebook (10mm scale)
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